What Is Cellulite?
Cellulite is the name for collections of fat that push against the connective tissue just beneath the surface of your skin. It forms when fibrous bands that connect your skin to the underlying muscle tighten irregularly. This tightening pulls down on the skin, and the normal layer of fat beneath the skin pushes upward. The result is a puckering, lumpy or dimpled look to the texture of the skin, appearing most often on hips, thighs, stomach and buttocks.

What Causes Cellulite?
It’s not entirely clear what causes cellulite but it is very common, especially among women. According to the Cleveland Clinic, between 80 and 90% of women who have gone through puberty have cellulite, while it only appears in about 10% of men. The reason for this disparity is unknown, but some experts believe that hormones are primarily to blame. Estrogen, the female hormone, tends to exacerbate cellulite because it encourages the body to build up and store fat while the male hormone, testosterone, burns fat. However, cellulite is more than just excess fat. It actually involves several components of the skin’s structure.
When estrogen levels fluctuate, blood circulation to the connective tissues is reduced and the tissues are weakened. These hormonal changes also affect lymphatic circulation. This can leave stagnant lymph fluid trapped in weakened connective tissue and may increase the appearance of cellulite.
Genetics, sex, age, the amount of fat on your body and your skin’s thickness determine how much cellulite you have and how visible it is. As you age, your skin loses elasticity which can make the appearance of cellulite more evident. Gaining weight can also make the appearance of cellulite more prominent. Although people with higher body fat percentages tend to have pronounced cellulite, it’s not uncommon for very lean people to experience cellulite as well.
Lifestyle changes that have been shown to help reduce the look of cellulite include eating a healthy diet that incorporates fresh, whole and unprocessed foods, drinking plenty of water and exercising regularly.
How Is Cellulite Treated?
While it is not dangerous or painful, many people are self-conscious about the cellulite on their bodies. There is no cure for cellulite and it can’t be removed, however there are lifestyle changes, medical procedures and spa treatments like body wraps that can help reduce or improve the appearance of it.
Body wraps are spa treatments that involve applying a mixture of ingredients to the skin from the chest downward. The guest’s body is then covered with a wrap, usually made of plastic or cloth. The wrap is secured in place while the guest is left to relax for anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. Body wrap treatments work by trapping heat, allowing the ingredients to penetrate deeply into the skin. Body wraps can target many skin care concerns, including cellulite, because these treatments stimulate blood flow, which can help improve circulation and give the skin a smoother, firmer and tightened appearance.
In this article, we will focus on a body wrap designed to target the look of cellulite and provide a protocol that you can use in your spa.
Cellulite Body Wrap Treatment
For guests hoping to improve the look of cellulite on the thighs, buttocks, lower abdomen and arms, we, at Touch to Heal Spa, offer the gold standard Cellulite Body Wrap Treatment using Eminence Organics Herbal Cellulite Treatment which helps to make skin appear firmer and more elastic with paprika and skin-safe stinging nettle, which help energize and invigorate the look of the skin. The formulation also contains bioflavonoids and honey which enrich the skin with moisture. The Biocomplex2™ formulation works to bring back a look of vitality and youthfulness.
Another way to target cellulite? Caffeine. According to Healthline, caffeine has been found to dilate blood vessels which can temporarily tighten and tone tissues. The stimulant also boosts circulation and reduces water retention which can help smooth out bumpy cellulite on the body. Our Cellulite Body Wrap Treatment includes Stone Crop Contouring Body Cream which helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite with a boost of caffeine. The active ingredients of coffee extract and microalgae extract deliver a slimming and smoothing appearance.
For the optimum result, we use gua sha tool to improve the look of cellulite. Although a gua sha tool cannot completely eliminate cellulite, it can reduce its appearance so that you see fewer dimples and lumps. Cellulite is caused when fat cells protrude into the layer of the skin. You might find it on the buttocks, thighs, hips and abdomen. Gua sha minimizes the appearance of cellulite by gently scraping the skin’s surface and breaking up the bands of connective tissue underneath.