Most people agree that massage is the ultimate self-care bliss. And over the last couple of years, there has been a new massage style that’s been getting everyone excited: CBD massage. In this massage, a therapist performs a deep tissue, Swedish or sports massage using a CBD-infused massage oil or cream, which contains a certain concentration of CBD extract.
So What Exactly is CBD?
Cannabidiol (or CBD) is one of the 80 known cannabinoids that is derived from the cannabis sativa plant. Scientists have discovered a direct link between CBD oil’s calming effects with the human body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). CBD is the only cannabinoid that connects our central and peripheral nervous systems. Whether marijuana-derived or hemp-derived, the cannabis plant is the only plant that contains CBD at a high enough level to deliver the medicinal benefits of marijuana.
When CBD oil is used on the skin, it locates natural endocannabinoid molecules in our system, then binds with them and activates receptors in the ECS system to help stimulate the effects of pain relief and relaxation, ultimately calming the nervous system.
CBD oil is ideal for massage therapy because of its natural anti-inflammatory effects, which help calm sore muscles and joints. Massage therapy itself assesses a number of chronic pain ailments such as muscle fatigue and inflammation but combining it with the natural benefits of CBD oil ensures that your body’s pain receptors are directly targeted through the process mentioned above.
Anxiety, the body’s natural reaction to stress, can cause fatigue in both the mind and body for many individuals on a daily basis. For most people, anxiety can manifest itself as tension in the neck, shoulders, head, hips, feet, and hands. The physical tension produced by anxiety can be decreased with the use of CBD, as it encourages your body to speed up recovery times in these areas during and after massage treatment.
While classic massage therapy can remedy these symptoms, CBD’s natural relaxation properties enhance the benefits of the massage. Implementing topical CBD oil into massage therapy will ensure you are able to enter a deep relaxation mode.
Does CBD (Or CBD Massage) Get You High?
No, you will not get high, stoned, or buzzed from using a pure CBD product. This is because CBD is different from THC, the intoxicating compound in the cannabis sativa plant. CBD oil is typically farmed from a low-THC strain of cannabis. The oil is then processed to ensure a THC concentration of 0.3% or less—the legal allowance in the United States. With such a tiny amount of THC, there are no intoxicating effects of a pure CBD product.
To optimize the benefits of your massage therapy, consider adding CBD oil in your next treatment. CBD Oil can be added on to any of our massage specialties for $26. A 90-minute CBD massage is recommended for the full peak effect, but 60 minutes of topical application will surely infer CBD’s calming benefits, too! Some people report that they feel the benefits kick in after the massage is finished or up to a few hours later. Regardless, using CBD oils/creams for massage should only complement the relaxing and overall benefits of a massage—and may give you the added Zen you need! Book your appointment today:
If you’d like to incorporate CBD into your massage, you can add in your appointment notes.
Note that CBD is not recommended for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, as research on CBD’s safety among these populations is insufficient. And if you have any serious health conditions, it’s always best to speak to your doctor or health advisor before trying anything new.